From the day we opened our doors, our vision was always to provide nourishment in all forms in a communal setting. We believe that our nonprofit efforts are an extension of this mission and we are grateful to be engaged in this type of service.

Photo of Rossoblu logo

rossoblu relief

Rossoblu Relief was founded in March of 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. We began this nonprofit to address the immediate needs or our employees. Since then, we have committed to working with the Southern California Hospice Foundation to feed hospice patients and their families through this Covid-19 pandemic. We have also provided meals to the frontline workers at Cedar-Sinai through our long-standing partnership with the Los Angeles Rams and the generosity of Sebastian Joseph Day. We will continue to respond to the food needs of our community through the donations of our financial donors, and our purveyors.

Rossoblu Restaurant Relief is a 501(c)(3) non-profit fund so all donations are tax-deductible.

Rossoblu meal kits video



Co-Founded by Rossoblu’s Dina Samson and eight other female restaurant owners, RE:Her is a charitable organization for women-owned restaurants in Los Angeles, created by women who own restaurants in Los Angeles, in response to how COVID-19 has impacted our businesses and our communities.

RE:Her is committed to advancing women in the restaurant industry and, long-term, aims to provide small business grants, mentorship, and resources to women in our industry, throughout Los Angeles, and beyond.

RE:Her is a 501(c)(3) non-profit fund so all donations are tax-deductible.

FEEDloveLA logo

FEEDloveLA logo

Feed love la

FeedLoveLA is a collaboration of restaurant professionals committed to feeding our communities in moments of need. With a generous donation from the Aileen Getty Foundation, we co-founded FEEDLoveLA with fellow restaurateurs Ori Menashe and Genevieve Gergis of Bestia and Bavel, and Christian Page and Elia Aboumrad of Cassell’s.

We dedicate ourselves to providing nourishment, a sense of security, and empowering individuals and their families.

Through the sharing of food, we seek to inspire moments of optimism, caring action, and empathetic connection.

We work with donors and purveyor partnerships to collect and distribute supplies to those at greatest risk of becoming food insecure.  

FEEDloveLA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit fund so all donations are tax deductible.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. - Maya Angelou

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. - Maya Angelou


We strongly believe that education and youth mentoring are the keys to progressive change. As such, we donate monthly to the following organizations:

We will continue to partner with the following organizations that work to empower marginalized communities, especially within our industry and the food community.